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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Fax: Full ObamaCare For ALL Fed Employees OR FOR NO ONE AT ALL!

You've already heard the news that government agents will be given the authority under ObamaCare to break into your home, and you already know about the "ObamaCare Navigators, and so-called "Community Organizers" like the New Black Panthers (and potentially OTHERS with criminal records) who will be given access to your most private financial, health, and gun ownership info through ObamaCare.  Physicians have already asked my 5 year old grandaughter “if her father has a gun at home”.  She answered before I could stop her.

       But now the Daily Mail UK is reporting that the "Feds are building a detective squad to target consumers and companies that don't follow Obamacare's rules."
       The Daily Mail goes on to say: "More than 1,600 new employees hired by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources in the aftermath of ObamaCare's passage include just TWO described as 'consumer safety' officers, but 86 tasked with 'criminal investigating' – indicating that the agency is building an army of detectives to sleuth out violations of a law that many in Congress who supported it still find confusing."
       John Boehner seems to believe that by keeping ObamaCare around, so he can PRETEND to fight it, is “good politics”.  Idiotic notions such as this, exibited by other GOP leadership against the will of their constituents, MUST have consequences!

       The insanity must end today.  Simply put, unless we stop ObamaCare in the next 30 days, the LIES that Obama told you “could never happen” will be revealed as HIS LIES in short order after the 1 year delay illegally created by Obama to save the 2014 Congressional elections for the DEMs before ObamaCare disaster KICKS IN.

The American people are no longer fooled, and any politician who opposes the defunding of ObamaCare in the upcoming Continuing Resolution will FOREVER be branded as SUPPORTING OBAMACARE.

And this after both houses of Congress, GOP, and DEM alike voted TO EXEMPT THEMSELVES and staff from some of the most horrific effects from the ObamaCare Disaster.  Perhaps if Obama appointees and Congress have to live under the EXACT SAME Obamacare rules as the rest of us, things would be changed quickly for the better?


This fax was sent to POTUS, Gov. Christie, GOP Candidates Gingrich, Romney, Santorum, Paul, Senators Issa, Cornyn, Hutchinson, Rubio, Snowe, McConnell, Reid, Feinstein, Reed, Murray, Boxer, Tester, Kyl, Representatives Boehner, Cantor, Ryan, DeMint, Poe, Rand Paul, Levin, Pelosi, New first-term House Republicans West, Berg, Noem, Crawford, Gosar, Benishek, Nunnelee, Guinta, McKinley, Griffin, Huizenga, Ellmers, Rigell, Womack, Runyan, Heck, Kelly, Herrera, Gardner, Palazzo, Nugent, Lankford, McCarthy, and various Conservative and Liberal media outlets. 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Fax: Obama's IRS Scandal Is More Than a Scandal - IT'S CRIMINAL & IMPEACHABLE!

Dear Congressional Representative of We The People,
The IRS has long trampled upon Americans’ First Amendment rights, and now that Obama has illegally chosen and adopted them as his personal, political STORM TROOPERS against his political adversaries, it is time to shut the IRS down to stop his abuses!  Under the Obama administration, the IRS has been politicized to an alarming degree.  In fact, the IRS has practically become an ILLEGAL arm of the Obama campaign team to re-elect Obama!  Hillary(D) wrote the draft in 1974 for the impeachment of Nixon (R), charging him with politicalization of the IRS, which forced him out of office.  So why does Obama get a pass on the same crime?

The Daily Caller has revealed that former IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman visited the White House at least 157 times to meet with Obama, developing the “targeting Conservatives” strategy.    Pretty sure no one barges in on the President without invatation?   Shulman met only ONE TIME with Bush during his 8 year administration.

How can President Obama say he had no knowledge of the IRS’s targeting of conservative groups and individuals?  Nonsense and lies,  with the  revelation from the New York Times report that the Inspector General informed senior members of the Obama administration that he was conducting an audit into “the IRS’s screening of politically active groups seeking tax exemptions on June 4, 2012” – 5 months BEFORE the 2012 elections!

In 1974 Hillary Clinton (D) wrote Nixon's(R) Impeachment draft which drove him out of office. Why should Obama be treated any differently?  This was a crime when Nixon did it, and still a crime today!  Obama's politicalization of multiple Federal Agencies like IRS, DOJ, ATF, FBI, Dept of Labor, NLRB, OSHA, the FED, Homeland Security, American military, Department of Education, etc., etc., etc. are all multiple criminal acts.

Obama cronys, when caught in illegal acts can expect PROMOTIONS, like Penny Pritzker: Billionaire business tycoon and former Obama fundraiser who has been tapped as Obama’s Secretary of Commerce even though she  failed to disclose $80 MILLION in personal earnings to IRS.  Shouldn’t she go to jail for that, rather than becoming in charge of America’s commerce?

Congress must act appropriately to ensure that the rights of citizens are protected against internal subversion, unjust "mandates," and politically inspired oppression.   ALL THESE are illegal activities from the President of the United States of America.

We the people are calling on Congress to establish an Independent Counsel to conduct investigations into the Obama’s administration’s POLITICIZATION of the IRS!  And to hold the appropriate individuals right up to the POTUS, responsible for their flagrant disregard for the Constitution, the law,  & the codes they were sworn to uphold.


This fax was sent to POTUS, Gov. Christie, GOP Candidates Gingrich, Romney, Santorum, Paul, Senators Issa, Cornyn, Hutchinson, Rubio, Snowe, McConnell, Reid, Feinstein, Reed, Murray, Boxer, Tester, Kyl, Representatives Boehner, Cantor, Ryan, DeMint, Poe, Rand Paul, Levin, Pelosi, New first-term House Republicans West, Berg, Noem, Crawford, Gosar, Benishek, Nunnelee, Guinta, McKinley, Griffin, Huizenga, Ellmers, Rigell, Womack, Runyan, Heck, Kelly, Herrera, Gardner, Palazzo, Nugent, Lankford, McCarthy, and various Conservative and Liberal media outlets. 

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Fax: Will Benghazi Become Obama's Waterloo?

Will Obama’s administration’s Benghazi COVER-UP lies be the final straw to hold him responsible for his attempts to DESTROY AMERICA along with our Constitution?  If Congress REFUSES to do it, WHO CAN?  He MUST be held responsible.

     Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee said: "The highest levels of people in the United States government all the way up to the president knew that what they did tell us was not true.  And when the facts come out, they will not be able to stand.  They will have lost the right to govern."

       Former UN Ambassador John Bolton said:  "This could be a hinge point for the Obama administration.  It's that serious for them.  And what we’ve seen leaked already from interviews the committee staff has done is DEVASTATING."

       National Review chimed in:  "The shaky edifice of lies that the Obama administration erected about Benghazi is about to collapse."

       Even Senator Lindsey Graham recently said:  "Political manipulation is rampant here.   The dam's about to break on Benghazi."

            If you've been listening to talk radio or watching Fox News, you've heard the opinion that the Benghazi lies were nothing more than an attempt by Barack Obama to advance a campaign narrative... That "Osama bin laden is dead and Al-Qaeda is on the run."

       But some believe that the issue is much bigger than that.

       Jay Sekulow with The American Center for Law and Justice recently wrote: "The Obama Administration's Middle East policy is in a shambles; it empowers and even funds radicals and terrorists, and it refuses to face facts.  Now it may try to spin and lie even more to avoid accountability.  Don't let them."

       Glenn Beck takes the accusation a step further and is claiming that the very same administration that ran a gun-running operation to criminal cartels south of the border also ran a gun-running operation to other of America's enemies:

       "I was told by a source last night that the gun-running thing is a foregone conclusion, everyone in Washington, they all know it was gun-running to Syrian rebels, which are now headed by the Muslim Brotherhood guy from Dallas, Texas."

       Retired Navy SEAL Billy Allman, who maintains connections with members of the Special Ops community went so far as to claim that Team Obama is trying to hide the fact that Libya is now the nerve center for weapons that are winding up in the hands of violent jihadists throughout the Middle East.

       And The New American has contended for months that Benghazi-gate is an attempt to conceal "the Obama administration’s full role in helping violent Jihadists [and] self-styled al Qaeda terrorists."

       Truth be told, the jury is still out on whether or not the Obama Regime is covering up foreign policy ineptitude or something far more sinister. But with each passing day, the administration’s story continues to crumble like a ton of bricks.

       And it is up to concerned Americans like you to ensure this story doesn’t die.  That the full truth comes out and Barack Obama and his administration are held to account.  You are sworn to do this!


This fax was sent to POTUS, Gov. Christie, GOP Candidates Gingrich, Romney, Santorum, Paul, Senators Issa, Cornyn, Hutchinson, Rubio, Snowe, McConnell, Reid, Feinstein, Reed, Murray, Boxer, Tester, Kyl, Representatives Boehner, Cantor, Ryan, DeMint, Poe, Rand Paul, Levin, Pelosi, New first-term House Republicans West, Berg, Noem, Crawford, Gosar, Benishek, Nunnelee, Guinta, McKinley, Griffin, Huizenga, Ellmers, Rigell, Womack, Runyan, Heck, Kelly, Herrera, Gardner, Palazzo, Nugent, Lankford, McCarthy, and various Conservative and Liberal media outlets. 

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Fax: No More "Bandaids" For UNCONSTITUTIONAL ObamaCare

No more token votes.   No more attempts to "Fix" ObamaCare behind closed doors.   The American People want the un-Constitutional law repealed!

The American people are not fooled.  Back in 2010, the American people elected scores of new faces to Congress and gave what was then the minority party a majority in the House of Representatives based, in large part, on a OATH to eradicate ObamaCare and you have betrayed the American people by failing to keep that solemn promise.

Far too often you've held token votes to repeal or defund ObamaCare, knowing full well that those votes would fail in the DEM Senate, but when it came to taking actions that would have actually de-funded ObamaCare, you repeatedly refused to demonstrate the courage to take those actions.

And now, in spite of the fact that even liberals in Congress are admitting that ObamaCare is a "train wreck," it has come to the attention of the American people that some of you, instead of doubling-up on efforts to repeal this Leviathan, are actually working quietly to secretly "fix" ObamaCare.  Let's get something straight.  The American people didn't send you to Washington to "fix" ObamaCare or "tinker" with ObamaCare.  It is UN-CONSTITUTIONAL despite Chief Justice Robert’s  obvious illegal kowtow to Obama.  His duty was not to create new law by providing a solution to Obama’s un-Constitutional argument, by changing the argument & illegally calling  it a TAX which Obama has publicly denied for four years.  So Chief Justice Roberts has essentially illegally TRANSFORMED a plaintiff’s argument to try to make it appear Constitutional.

The individual mandate violates the original meaning of the Constitution.
The individual mandate rests on an unfounded, unprincipled, and unfounded assertion Of
          Federal power.
The individual mandate can not be justified under existing Supreme Court
The individual mandate threatens the foundation of  contract law.


Do not deceive yourselves.  The same grassroots movement of Americans that worked to change the political landscape to your advantage back in 2010 can also work to change the political landscape to your disadvantage in 2014.  You were sent to Washington to eradicate ObamaCare and that promise will be kept.  I suggest that you make it happen now.  The alternative will make it uncomfortable for you and your family.  Maybe we can END all ObamaCare EXEMPTIONS, and you will then understand what is clearly OBVIOUS to most WORKING Americans.

God Bless America and those who love her!

This fax was sent to POTUS, Gov. Christie, GOP Candidates Gingrich, Romney, Santorum, Paul, Senators Issa, Cornyn, Hutchinson, Rubio, Snowe, McConnell, Reid, Feinstein, Reed, Murray, Boxer, Tester, Kyl, Representatives Boehner, Cantor, Ryan, DeMint, Poe, Rand Paul, Levin, Pelosi, New first-term House Republicans West, Berg, Noem, Crawford, Gosar, Benishek, Nunnelee, Guinta, McKinley, Griffin, Huizenga, Ellmers, Rigell, Womack, Runyan, Heck, Kelly, Herrera, Gardner, Palazzo, Nugent, Lankford, McCarthy, and various Conservative and Liberal media outlets. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Congressional Fax - Stop The Illegal Disarming Of America

Defeat The Obama Gun Grab (S. 649) And All Of Its Anti-Constitutional Amendments..... PERIOD!   This Is An Illegal Tactic Long Fostered By The United Nations, American Political Radicals, Obama, The American Liberal Left, Communists, And Other Enemies Of America!

The 2nd Ammendment guarantees American citizens the right to bear arms,  and to change that REQUIRES an ammendment to the Constitution.  Congress and Obama are required by their OATHS to support the Constitution.  President Obama, the liberal left,  and the United Nations have joined together in this illegal tactic to DISARM American citizens,  opposing our Constitutionally guaranteed right to do so.

Contrary to what Senator John McCain and others in the United States Senate may believe, it is NOT THE JOB of a United States Senator, apart from any actions arising out of a legitimate attempt to actually amend the Constitution, to DEBATE legislative measures which infringe upon the Constitution. And it is certainly not the job of a United States Senator to craft "fixes" or "compromises" or "grand bargains" on legislative measures which infringe upon the Constitution.  Obama and our legislators have sworn an oath, not to do so.  Our Constition is NO MORE A “A LIVING DOCUMENT” than the Bible is!

Let me make myself perfectly clear, the 52 Democratic and 16 Republican Senators who voted to open debate on S. 649 VIOLATED THEIR OATHS OF OFFICE. It's that simple. No elected official must ever even be allowed to consider debating a piece of legislation that so fundamentally violates the God-given Constitutional rights of the American people. Put plainly, you took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution, NOT "DEBATE" and "SUBVERT" the Constitution.

CHOICES HAVE CONSEQUENCES!  You can't "take back" this gross betrayal. You can, however, start to make it right by defeating S. 649 and all of its anti-Constitutional amendments outright. And that is exactly what the American people expect you to do.

Be forewarned, it is not enough to simply vote against S. 649, after having voted to bring it to the floor in the first place. You must kill it and the horrendous amendments that it has spawned. Anything short of defeating this legislative attempt to subvert the Constitution is totally unacceptable!


This fax was sent to POTUS, Gov. Christie, GOP Candidates Gingrich, Romney, Santorum, Paul, Senators Issa, Cornyn, Hutchinson, Rubio, Snowe, McConnell, Reid, Feinstein, Reed, Murray, Boxer, Tester, Kyl, Representatives Boehner, Cantor, Ryan, DeMint, Poe, Rand Paul, Levin, Pelosi, New first-term House Republicans West, Berg, Noem, Crawford, Gosar, Benishek, Nunnelee, Guinta, McKinley, Griffin, Huizenga, Ellmers, Rigell, Womack, Runyan, Heck, Kelly, Herrera, Gardner, Palazzo, Nugent, Lankford, McCarthy, and various Conservative and Liberal media outlets. 

Monday, June 18, 2012

Obama Illegal Amnesty Fax

The American People Demand A Congressional Investigation into President Obama's dictatorial "Backdoor" amnesty declaration!

Recently, 19 Senate Republicans penned a letter to Barack Obama challenging his backdoor amnesty decree and expressing "serious concern" over his circumvention of the law and his usurpation of Congressional authority regarding the issue.  While we applaud the sentiments expressed in that letter, the plain and simple truth is that the time for talk has long passed.  It is now time to take REAL ACTION. 

How far must Barack Obama and those in his administration go before Congress begins to realize that they are not simply ignoring the law?  They are CIRCUMVENTING the law.  USING EXECUTIVE ORDERS IS LEGAL UNLESS USED TO CREATE NEW LAW OR BLOCK EXISTING LAW.  In fact, Obama's recent dictatorial decision to enact backdoor amnesty via executive fiat is not an isolated incident.  Congressman Steve King recently said:  "This is the latest example of the Obama administration acting as if it does not have to enforce laws if it finds those laws to be inconvenient."  And Congressman Lamar Smith echoed King's assessment:  "Regrettably, this isn't the only instance in which President Obama has been tempted to do things his own way.  It is part of a broader pattern of ignoring the law."  Obama condemned President Bush IN A VIDEO for a signing statement, promising never to do the same, and yet he constantly refuses to conform to existing law - for example he refused to drop four of his 37 czars as required by the budget extension bill HE HAD JUST SIGNED!



Our Constitution is very clear, as is Congress' duty.  Congressman King again: "The President of the United States and all his federal appointees take an oath to the Constitution that requires that they "take care that the laws be faithfully executed."  Our laws are to be enforced faithfully, not ignored or defied by the very people whose job it is to enforce them.

Congressman King and others have called for Congressional hearings into Obama's dictatorial backdoor amnesty declaration.  Make it happen.  Barack Obama and his administration have gone too far and their excesses must be fully exposed and stopped without delay!



Video of CANDIDATE Obama's attack on Bush signing statements
and promise to not do the same if elected - more lies from the Liar-In-Chief!

Partial image of my desktop during the sending of this fax
This fax was sent to POTUS, Gov. Christie, GOP Candidates Gingrich, Romney, Santorum, Paul, Senators Issa, Cornyn, Hutchinson, Rubio, Snowe, McConnell, Reid, Feinstein, Reed, Murray, Boxer, Tester, Kyl, Representatives Boehner, Cantor, Ryan, DeMint, Poe, Rand Paul, Levin, Pelosi, New first-term House Republicans West, Berg, Noem, Crawford, Gosar, Benishek, Nunnelee, Guinta, McKinley, Griffin, Huizenga, Ellmers, Rigell, Womack, Runyan, Heck, Kelly, Herrera, Gardner, Palazzo, Nugent, Lankford, McCarthy, and various Conservative and Liberal media outlets. 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

RomneyCare - NOTHING LIKE ObamaCare!

As you can see, OBAMACARE IS NOTHING LIKE ROMNEYCARE - Only LIBERALS and "Angry" Conseratives make that FALSE CLAIM!

My open letter April 29, 2012 to Martin Fox, CEO of National Pro-Life Alliance article accusing Romney of being a Chameleon.

"Mr Fox, I have often wondered how a TOTALLY honest man could ever become President in a system like the one in America that we have allowed to flourish and even allowed the hijack of our government and turn it against the Constitution and we the people.  I have often thought that it might be an impossibility to elect a totally honest man anymore in America.

Only the Liberals who have no love of the traditional Christian nation America, and work for its destruction  can take a simple concept like "changing your mind" and deceptively re-define it as a "flip flop" to attack opponents.  What a miracle and blessing if Obama would flip flop, right?  Good thing that Norma McCorvey (Roe in "Roe vs Wade") flip flopped on abortion and has now endorsed Romney, as has National Pro-Right to Life?  Liberals like to make an "art-form" out of taking Conservative sound-bytes OUT OF CONTEXT, while along with Main Stream media, ignoring Obama's  "Marine Corpse", Australian language, 10,000 killed by Kansas twister (no, only 12), "my Muslim faith", his bowling score compared to "Special Olympics" standards, "the bomb" that fell on Pearl Harbor, ATMs cause unemployment, blamed dictator Chavez's election (1998) on Bush (elected 2000), burns over 9000 gallons of Jet Fuel on Earth day speech which could have been given from the White House, celebrates "Cinco-de-Quatro the day before Cinco-de-Mayo", FBI's "first one hundred days", visit to "57 states", expects to be President "for eight to ten years", MY GOSH WAS OBAMA EVEN BORN AROUND HERE?  

Here are some of Romney's  Conservative endorsements - some of whom you might be tempted to call "flip- floppers" like Giuliani, Huckabee, Huntsman, Perry?

Here are some of Romneys Conservative endorsements and HE IS NOT EVEN THE GOP primary winner yet.  President Ronald Reagan’s son Michael, Gov. Huckabee, Conservative radio host Michael Medved, Conservative Radio host Bill Bennett, NJ  Gov. Christie, Gov. Haley, Fox Business Cavuto, Senator McCain, Gov. Pawlenty, NY Congressman Michael Grimm, Independence Hall Tea Party PAC, Bunnie Buchanan,  President George H.W. Bush, Susan B. Anthony (Roe of Roe vs Wade), Gov. Huntsman, CEO of American Pro-Life Union Al Cardenas, astronaut Gene Cernan, former Jeb Bush spokesman Justin Sayfie, Donald Trump, Va Governor Bob McDonnell, Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder, AZ Gov. Jan Brewer, Rep. Eric Cantor, National Pro-Right To Life, Conservative radio host Hugh Hewett,  Gov. Jeb Bush, Evangelicals For Mitt,  Congressman Paul Ryan, Gov. Bobby Jindal, Gov. Scott Walker, Gov. Terry Branstad, Congressman Kevin McCarthy, Senator Marco Rubio, Senator McConnell, Senator Pat Toomey, Rudy Giuliani, Republican National Committee, Senator Cornyn, Gov. Perry, GOP candidate Rick Santorum, House speaker Boehner, Jerry Falwell's Liberty University.  Of course I expect LIBERALS to call these men ignorant, so how is it that you "Angry" Conservatives find YOURSELF different from LIBERALS?

How is Romney attacked by Liberal lies?  His hair looks too good, he can't sing well, his jokes are not funny, he is a flip-flopper, he loves his wife, children & grandchildren too much, 50 years ago he was a prankster, the American built cars he drives, he has legally and honorably become successful in our capitalist economy, he "cheats" on his taxes paying 35% (highest tax rate) on his earnings and an additional 15% capital gains on investments from the SAME earnings invested, and then over 15% in charitable donations for a grand total of 65%, accused of being "money hungry" when he donated ALL of his inheritance to charity, saved the Olympics and donated his ENTIRE Olympic salary to charity, and each year of his life has contributed 15%+ of his assets to charity AS HAVE I OVER THE LAST 32 YEARS - compare that to Obama, Biden, Santorum, Gingrich (all less than 2% charitable donations) AND I AM NO MILLIONAIRE - where do you see honor and honesty?  Would you even RECOGNIZE honor and honesty?

Romney's Massachusetts health care plan was passed by the 85% Mass Congress, overriding 8 Romney vetoes and still is NOTHING LIKE OBAMACARE   Step by step comparison -  NOWHERE NEAR THE SAME THING!) - Romney cast nearly 1000 vetoes as Governor of Mass - do you think LIBERAL Governors cast that many vetoes in Mass in one term?

And so now you and other, what I have describes as "angry" Conservatives, join with the LIBERALS to help promote their koolaid?  So what make you "angry" Conservatives any different than the LIBERALS?  You have taken your eyes so far off the prize that you can no longer recognize Truth, Honor, and Honesty?  Then how can we EVER elect a totally honest man in America when the "angry" Conservatives join the LIBERALS with unfounded attacks against GOP candidates?"

They claim the total tax burden in MA went up under Romney.  This falsely implies that Romney raised taxes.  In truth, Romney repeatedly proposed tax cuts, which were shot down by the Democratic MA legislature, starting as soon as he began to turn around the economy, prompting the liberal Boston Globe to complain after Romney's first year in office, "The first signs of life appear in the Massachusetts economy and the governor calls for a $225 million tax cut."  Some communities in MA chose to raise property taxes at the local level which Romney had no control over.

Some critics claim that Romney's cuts in state spending forced local communities to raise their taxes, but the fact is they were under no obligation to raise taxes.  Romney also closed loopholes in existing tax law, allowing the state to collect taxes from those who had been using schemes to reduce income reported on state tax returns.

Some critics falsely assert that Romney raised capital gains tax rates.  In truth, the tax increase was enacted before Romney was elected governor but took effect during Romney's term after having been tied up in court for several year.  Critics are unable to point to any tax increases from Romney, and Romney fought for tax cuts and did get some tax cuts enacted.
Romney's anti-FEDERAL health care position in kennedy debate in 1994

"Individual Mandate Would Force ALL Americans to Have Insurance"  Romney's bill was individual mandate because the 85% DEM state legislature over rode his veto, but only FORCED people with NO insurance to get it, because it had a true "opt out"?  Look at this summary